2024 The Plot

1. #2024THEPLOT
We’re buzzing off the #2024ThePlot mantra that exploded on TikTok in Jan and is something we see likely to trend into the coming months. “Do it for the plot” is about viewing yourself as the main character in your life and doing the thing to move “the plot” forward, no matter what might happen. We’re all about doing things that make you happy, so here’s to youth being courageous, crafting their own stories and making their 2024 plot one of adventure and fun.


Is this the year young people get real about finances, escape overspending culture, and the hush hush culture about speaking honestly about finances and money management? #LoudBudgeting, a viral trend in Jan, has the potential to move towards a bigger movement as young people continue to battle against rising prices and unsustainable spending habits. Coined by TikToker, Lucas Battle, Loud Budgeting is all about being vocal about one’s financial situation, a counter-behaviour to a world where talking about your real financial situation (public wealth AND private wealth) is taboo. As Battle explains, "Rather than just say you’re declining a dinner invitation, it’s about calling out that you can’t go to dinner as you have €7 a day to live on." We salute Gen Z’s transparency which is both mentally and financially healthy. Here’s to more honest and realistic money conversations, and counteracting the current culture of overspending. And for those spending, here’s to savvy spending where durability, fair pricing and a ‘conscious self-investment’ are top priorities in the #LoudBudget movement -

'"I own two pairs of Dr. Martens, and I use them very frequently. I think these are a type of shoe to stay trendy because they are a classic black shoe in many different styles that can last a very long time, making the price relatively fair. The shoes that they sell vary from €90 - €200+. This price is a high price at first purchase, however they are a good investment. I think purchasing Dr.Martens is a really positive thing for teenagers because they are durable and can last them into their adult years, and they are also vegan, making them better for the environment.”
Freya, 16

Image Source: Loud Budgeting

Jan is the typically the month of #DryJan chatter, but could we see a new hashtag start to rise up the ranks: #ByeByeVaping? Last year, we gave the download on the growth of vaping, a market now estimated to be worth close to $20 bn. But, this year, growth market trajectory could finally be pointed downwards, thanks partially to Rishi Sunak. Citing the Environmental Protection Act, Sunak announced this week plans to ban disposable vapes by 2025, and introduce new powers to restrict vape flavours as a means to make them less appealing to young people. Note: this comes on the back of 9% of 11- to 15-year-olds in the UK claiming to use vapes and teachers reporting pupils showing signs of nicotine dependency in the classroom. Let’s hope this is a resolution kept well beyond 2024.

Jurgen Klopp’s earth shattering news (to Liverpool fans) sent shockwaves across the footballing world last Friday as he announced he would be “leaving the club this summer” as he plans to take a break from under the floodlights. As rival fans revelled in this there was utter disbelief, tears and shock running rampant in fans’ homes. Not to mention the ungodly amount of tik tok edits of Klopp’s journey over sad or motivational music. The purposely placed sound over these videos creates an emotional element which, through the eyes of the new generation of football fans, allows them to reminisce, understand how Klopp shaped the club for the future and to build a connection to the sport.

Self awareness, honesty and vulnerability stood at the forefront of this seismic decision as the most successful Liverpool manager of the Premier League era admitted to “running out of energy”. Understanding his own limits and what’s left in the tank along with his honesty to the fans has been a breath of fresh air to the modern game which has normally been shrouded in toxic headlines and drama. The media vs Klopp has been an ongoing battle for 9 seasons and one wonders if they have gotten the better of him over the years but, one thing is for sure, that vulnerability with the UK press has not stopped him from being the “Normal One”. Here’s to young people taking notes from Klopp's playbook in terms of communicating transparently with yourself and those around you.

“The news has hit fans pretty hard because a lot of people have a parasocial relationship with him where Klopp is sort of a father figure. He's an expert motivator and a lot of people look to him as a calm guiding leader. His announcement video showed how vulnerability and transparency can often be the best way to get people onside with your decision.”
Luke, 24

Let’s close the door on January and give the shortest month of the year the love it deserves. Famed for Valentine’s Day, February now has more love to celebrate with a resurgence in interest in Imbolc - the ancient Gaelic festival that is a time of awakening and renewal. Celebrated by Christians on February 1st, St. Brigid’s Day (Ireland’s patroness saint), marks the start of spring and new beginnings. We’re super proud to work with Tourism Ireland and celebrate Imbolc - let’s keep the Imbolc spirit alive for 2024. #NewBeginnings #Imbolc #2024ForThePlot

“In Ireland, Saint Brigid has typically conjured images of reed crosses and school crafts. But the new national holiday has prompted fresh conversation and energy around Saint Brigid’s influence on contemporary Irish culture, the wider topic of Imbolc, Irish mythology and modern Irish creativity. At Tourism Ireland, this campaign is a new opportunity to showcase some of Ireland’s most inspiring female talent; against a backdrop of green, springtime Ireland and making Ireland a Spring travel destination.”

-Cormac Phelan, Digital Campaigns Manager,
Tourism Ireland

Image Source: Bridgid/ Imbloc

Let’s bring our main character energy to 2024. 2024 is set to bring uncertainty with elections in many countries and ongoing uncertainty economically, socially and environmentally. But let’s not lose hope. Let’s work to bring energy and positivity to 2024. Let’s embrace the spirit of #NewBeginnings #Imbolc and #2024ThePlot and help youth craft positive narratives for the year ahead.